I'm delighted to share with you the material I created for my beginners to learn about drinks and ice cream flavours in French.

First, the children learn the vocabulary with this video: Drinks in French - Les boissons en français - YouTube
Then we practise saying what we would drink in various situations. If you haven't learned yet about 'du, de la', you can use the first slide and just say the words 'le chocolat chaud', 'l'eau', 'le lait'... With the second slide the children say 'je bois du/de la...'.
Click on the pcitures to save them:

Because we learned the fruit before, we can now name all the fruit juices:

Then we learn about ice cream flavours:
Download the pictures here:
After that we describe pictures, play games (ask for an ice cream and a drink, I draw it etc.).
I hope these resources will be useful for you too!