As we're getting ready for Christmas, I created some resources for my students that I'm happy to share with you today. First, this free interactive Book creator with all the vocabulary your children need to talk about Noël! 38 pages of words to listen to, read, repeat, and practise with guessing games. To make it inclusive I always use a dyslexia-friendly font.

One lesson a week is great, but in order to really acquire vocabulary and structures, children need to play with the words and reinforce their knowledge during the week. Of course it's better if it's fun! That's why I always send links to videos, songs, interactive books and/or worksheets about our current topic for the children to practise French until the next lesson!
Ready for Christmas? Click, listen and repeat, and guess the words!
You can also download more activities:
The flashcards with words:
And without:
Or download the Christmas vocabulary on one page:
This fun worksheet (guess the correct word):
The Christmas Kim's game (hide one of the pictures and the child has to find which one's missing and say it in French):

Download it here:
Now you're ready to play this board game:

And I'm sure your children or learners will love to hear about 'la bûche de Noël', the French traditional Christmas cake!

And finally you can watch this lovely video to revise the vocabulary, and listen to this story in French. Listening to native speakers is the best way to acquire the sounds of the language!
We'll do all these activities and more in my beginners class (Mondays 5pm) and with my one to one students. Get in touch to book a lesson!
I hope you have a lot of fun, and a Joyeux Noël!